The Chinese Buffalo

Tales and Travels of the Chinese Buffalo

A Fortnight’s Absence from Blogging

Here is a general chronicle of things that have occurred in my life over the past two weeks that are more or less related to living full-time in my 30-foot International model Airstream (Ms. Bertha) in Denver, Colorado. The snippets are taken mostly from my Facebook posts – which are easy and quick to send out.

Yipping and howling coyotes kept me awake last night – this morning I heard church bells ringing and a train whistle blowing. Perhaps I should have gone out with the coyotes and celebrated the autumn equinox. Or, maybe I should go to church or take a train somewhere – maybe a train to church?

Day off from work today and the start of a long weekend! Up early and cooked delicioso desayuno de huevos, tomates (cortesía de bellas damas), el ajo, la cebolla y las aceitunas. Now writing a couple of Airstream blog entries and preparing a lecture that needs to be ready ASAP. Big party 2night and the rest of the weekend devoted to getting Ms. Bertha ready for the big move at the end of the month and winterizing. Today marks the end of summer and I am sad to see this season go, but am digging the autumnal equinox (& will celebrate at the party 2night with many like-minded individuals).

51 degrees Fahrenheit (Celsius 10) this morning – left windows open and did not tarry getting dressed upon rising – process of wintering-up Ms. Bertha has taken on some urgency. I am now looking for the flannel sheets my wife claims are somewhere on board & trying to decide which wool blanket goes over/under the down comforter (probably the cowboy blanket and changed bi-weekly with Navajo pattern) – baby steps to face Old Man Winter – say I on the Autumnal Equinox.

I am eating a home-made Insalata Caprese under Bertha’s main awning on a beautiful night after work – buffalo mozz, Mexican tomatoes, fresh basil, wondrous olive oil and an assortment of Italian olives. Also having a Scotch and thinking about my upcoming trip to the Dakotas and then the big move of Ms. Bertha, and then fieldwork in southern Colorado, and then the Great American Beer Festival, and then future skiing and a trip to the Middle East – maybe I will have another Scotch.

Packing frantically for a short trip to North/South Dakota. Will return to DIA at the precise time that major roads are closed for the presidential debate.

Great to be back in North Dakota – listening to cowboy music and hearing cattle/crop reports on the radio, and the fall colors are most excellent – makes me wanna go pheasant hunting.

It got down to 37 degrees last night (Denver) – gonna go down to 29 tomorrow night – snowed in North Dakota yesterday as I left – looks like winter is on its way.

Tomorrow = day off to move Ms. Bertha, maneuver her into a position to absorb the most solar heat, insulate her, wrap pipes with heat tape, lay down some more rugs, put a heat lamp under her belly, tuck in her skirts, think about getting some antifreeze into her water tanks, and give the furnace a couple of trial runs (with programmable thermostat). Will also find flannel bed sheets, fluff up the down comforter, figure out where to buy a pair of flannel pajamas, and organize sweaters, wool socks, and warm shirts. Finally, I will have a couple of bottles of Scotch handy. I love Colorado – and do look forward to the wintertime – bring it on.

Of course it snows the day I haul Ms. Bertha to her new spot 🙂 ! Took of skirting, lowered jacks and unhooked utilities this morning in snow – not so bad but it was melting fast and things were wet. But now I am in an unexpected hurry to get the gal moved – tomorrow is a conference of the Colorado Council of Professional Archaeologists (which I am a member, but was not aware of the event) – day will be filled with talks and fun happy hour and dinner speaker – in Boulder – really gonna try to make it – great networking opportunity.

Mission accomplished for the moving of Ms. Bertha – lots of outside work yesterday in the cold – now, off to Boulder early this morning for the Colorado Archaeological Society meeting – it is cold (30s) and a bit snowy/sleety, but it is supposed to be in the 70s on Monday/Tuesday – for the arrival of the Mrs in Denver for fun and biz.

Starting to snow in Boulder – what happened to Fall? Going down to the low 20s tonight in Denver. Looking forward to warmer temps next week.

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